Saturday, March 13, 2010

Back In the Garden Again!

I do not have any photos of the garden to share with you guys- but I will soon! (need to charge the batteries for my camera) but in the mean time- take a look of what the garden looked like before I started last year- and what is was looking like when I was done building boxes and starting to plant last season- I didn’t take any “great” after photos- but I will show you next time what it looks like now.
Stage 1- planning where to put stuff
Stage 2- Start filling them up with the "Soil" (and building Box #3)

Add a Tumbler Composter next to Box #3....

Well Winter is over- and spring is here! I am back in the garden, and things are starting to grow again around here!

I have still not built my 4th large raised planter, but I will be doing that in the upcoming months. (maybe next month!)- I will be sure to take some photos for ya- as a mini "DIY", but it is pretty easy to do. I have refilled the beds with some new "soil", added some more Organic Fertilizers, and have started my planting out. (Be sure to check out the links to see what it is I am using in my garden- just note that it will take you away from this page when you click on them)

So far- here is the Rundown of what I have planted:
~ Sugar Snap Peas (not sure how many- about 12?)
~ Blue Lake Green Beans (4 Plants)
~ "Baby" lettuce- (about 20 plants- butter lettuce, romaine, freckles, red sail....)
~ Anaheim Chili Plant
~ Moved "Chandler" the Strawberry to a new Location and added 6 more of his kin-folk for company
~ Shallots (6 or 7)
~ Tomatoes (1 roma, 1 "ace" (roma like), & 1 Yellow Pear cherry tomato)

That is it for my "planter boxes" for now- but I have a LOT more in store in the coming weeks.
Such tasties as: More tomatoes, Basil, Sage, Garlic, carrots, Jalapenos, other peppers, Watermelon, Cucumbers, and more! I have not made all the planting decisions yet, and so I am sure there will be more to share as we go along. So read up!

I have also planted into my "yard" dirt:
~ Rosemary (1 plant)
~ Lavender (1 French type)
~ Moroccan Mint (2 plants)
& also some ranunculus flowers (6 plants) because while they do not smell, they are some of the prettiest flowers that are out there. Those are all in a “Herb & Flower” bed that I am creating in the bare dirt that runs along the concrete block retaining wall in the back yard. (you can see the wall and dirt in photo #2)
I will be working in the garden tomorrow- and so I will be sure to take some photos and post them soon! In the meantime- I will say that it is nice to be back in the yard- digging in the mosit and soft dirt, planting new tasty snacks, and looking forward to a entire long season of growing and harvesting!
Happy Gardening!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just starting my planter beds. Those are great looking planter boxes!



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